Monday, December 8, 2008

Review: Allison Strine

What is poetic beauty?
In art school, I heard of a professor who assigned his students to illustrate the concept BEAUTY.
What a challenge! Is there a definitive beauty? Is there something we can nail down, and all agree is attractive, positive, uplifting, beautiful? One of the few things that the students eventually agreed on, when handing in their assignments, was that beauty involved regularity, evenness, balance, symmetry.
Certainly there are archetypes for these attributes, there are gods and goddesses who embody these qualities.

I am in line with none of them, myself.
Therefore I celebrate the uneven beauty; the irregular and attractive, the unbalanced and still healing, the unsymmetrical bouquet.

Showcase Allison Strine, artiste of poetic beauty.
Her work is funny, and hauntingly sincere. Her images embrace the wide variation of human shape, and celebrate our strengths, and laugh joyously at our weaknesses. With a bit of collage, painting, quotes and original text, she is able to hold woman-kind in a warm circle of acceptance.
There are images of animals and birds capping human bodies, and the iconography resulting I find deeply inspiring.

Just in time for the holidays, affordable artwork, and it’s available near you! Check out her website,, where you can peruse her gallery of images, or search for a store carrying her work near you. Live in the middle of nowhere? Shop on etsy, and have your purchases shipped to you for the holidays. Search on for Allisonstrine, and you’ll find a store of opportunities waiting for you!

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